Apply with online payment (credit/debit card)

Individual or Law Firm Membership

from $205.00

Insurance Company Membership

from $325.00

…or apply and pay by check

Print, complete, and mail your form(s) along with payment to: 

P. O. BOX 463

Advantages of Membership

  • Contact with prominent New Jersey defense attorneys, insurance company executives, self-insurers and other defense groups.

  • New Jersey Defense Association Newsletter – All members receive this publication which keeps them abreast of significant defense and legislative developments.

  • Members enjoy the opportunity to discuss pertinent issues and hear informative lectures at NJDA’s seminars and annual convention.

  • Discounted rates to attend seminars on various topics for CLE credits.

  • Speaking and publication opportunities.

  • Opportunity to seek information on experts from other members through member only emails.

  • Access to our Members Only Medical Directory.

  • Access to our Expert Database.

  • Amicus Briefs on behalf of Defendants at the Board’s discretion. 

Eligibility for Membership

  • Members of the New Jersey Bar who are associated with House Counsel or are a generally known defense firm and who devote at least 65% of their time on litigated matters in the defense of damage suits on behalf of individuals, insurance companies, self-insurers and other corporations.

  • Those persons who are full-time executives, managers or supervisory employees of insurance companies, self-insurers or other corporation, and who devote the major portion of their time to claims, claims administration or litigated matters in the defense of damage suits, except that no independent agency, company or individual adjuster nor garage man, glass repairman or appraiser or estimators of any kind – including expert witnesses and court reporters – shall be eligible for membership.

  • Law Students.

NOTE: Approved applicants will receive membership for one (1) year. Membership(s) must be renewed each year to remain active.