Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting

Exponent is an engineering and scientific consulting firm recognized for its integrity, objectivity, independence, and professionalism. For over 50 years we have provided engineering, construction, and scientific expertise and consulting witness support to corporations, insurance carriers, government agencies, and their counsel. Exponent’s consultants have the deep, multidisciplinary industry knowledge needed to support clients with today’s litigation matters. Our professionals include scientists, engineers, physicians, and business consultants who are ready to provide objective, independent, and reasonable advice to claimants, respondents, or arbitration panels.

Christopher Dunyak
Business Development Specialist

Robson Forensic - Forensic Expert Witnesses

The Robson Forensic difference starts with over 100 in-house experts specializing in a diverse range of technical disciplines. We validate the credentials of all our experts and provide them with the equipment and resources necessary to provide the highest quality expert witness services. Our clients trust Robson Forensic when the stakes are high or the disputes are complex.

We serve NJDA members from our local offices in Cedar Knolls and Philadelphia which offer a wide selection of specialized experts. Visit us online at www.robsonforensic.com or contact your dedicated Business Development representative, Jessica Maddii, to discuss your current case. She can be reached via email at jmaddii@robsonforensic.com or by phone at 973-527-1783.

Jessica Maddii, Business Development

Consulting Engineers & Scientists, Inc.

Consulting Engineers & Scientists, Inc. is an experienced firm of forensic engineers, scientists, and other professionals providing investigation, evaluation, and expert testimony for over 50 years. Our expertise includes Premises Liability, Accident Reconstruction, Roadway/Highway, Construction/Architecture, Biomechanics, Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Exercise/Fitness, and 3D Laser Scanning. Contact us for a complimentary case evaluation or visit our website: ces-experts.com for more information.

Amy Tyson
Malvern, PA (610-296-2250)
Cherry Hill, NJ (856-324-8246)

Forensic Consultants of North America

Forensic Consultants of North America is a full-service forensic consulting firm serving a broad range of industries throughout North America. Founded by engineers and insurance veterans with an average of 25 years of industry experience, our experts come from a wide range of disciplines to meet your needs, including:

Civil/Structural Engineering - Construction Defect/Construction Liability/OSHA - Electrical Engineering - Mechanical/Auto Mechanical Engineering - Metallurgy/Materials - Premises Liability/Human Factors/Biomechanics of Injury - Product Liability - Vehicle Accident Reconstruction - Passenger/Cargo Transportation/Fleet Management - Toxicology/Pharmacology - Vocational Rehabilitation/Life Care Planning - Security/Recreational Safety – Ballistics - Forensic Accounting - Fire Origin and Cause - Catastrophe/Hail Claims - Building Consulting/Estimating - Equine

Our multi-disciplinary staff can focus the skills of different specialists on projects, applying both classical methods and advanced technologies to meet the needs of our clients. It is our goal to provide the quality service that will result in lasting relationships with our clients.

Lisa Rivlin, Regional Manager
Cell: 973-459-0223

Forensic Resolutions Inc.

Forensic Resolutions, Inc. is a forensic and investigative accounting firm providing solutions to complex business problems and insurance claims. The firm has extensive experience in the fields of economic damages, fraud investigations and claims assessment, among other areas of service. Simply put, we quantify the financial aspects of matters that are in dispute, held to a forensic standard.

Our team of professionals can serve as  either consultants or experts. Forensic Resolutions’ core service areas include:

  • Personal Injury / Wrongful Death Claims

  • Fraud and Financial Forensic Investigations

  • Litigation Support Consulting

  • Expert Witness Testimony

  • Subrogation Damages – Property, Inventory, Extra Expense, Business Interruption Claims

  • Calculating Economic Damages in Commercial Litigation

L. Erik Ringoen, CPA, ABV, CFF, CIRA
Tel: 856-433-6059

LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C.

LGI Forensic Engineering provides clients with thorough and accurate investigations, by combining extensive hands-on technical experience with strong scientific and engineering analysis in the NY Metro area. LGI provides engineering and other professional services across multiple disciplines, including: civil/structural, construction, mechanical, electrical, architectural and fires & explosions. In addition, LGI has a state-of-the-art laboratory which is ISO and ANAB accredited providing materials science services and conducting joint inspections and examinations. Clients can be assured assignments will be given the attention and professional expertise they deserve, from field inspection and testing, to deposition and court testimony.

Patrick J. Vincent, SCLA
Director - Business Development and Marketing
LGI Forensic Engineering, P.C.
O: 914-670-0208 F: 914-670-0210 C: 201-874-1893

Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.

Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc. is a worldwide provider of forensic engineering and technical consulting services to corporations, insurance companies, law firms, and government agencies. Rimkus forensic experts assist clients with the responsive and timely resolution of claims and disputes across a wide range of industries. Rimkus also provides architecture, engineering, and construction services for the built environment, including restoration design, facilities risk assessments, and due diligence property condition assessments. For more than 35 years, the company’s professional engineers, architects, scientists, and technical specialists have been recognized for their commitment to service excellence by local, national, and international business communities. Rimkus operates more than 100 offices worldwide. For more information, visit www.rimkus.com.

 Kimberly Kingston, Esq.
Business Development Manager-New England, Upstate New York & Metro Philadelphia

774-670-1922 | kimberly.kingston@rimkus.com | rimkus.com 

313 Congress Street, Boston, MA, 02210

Support Claim Services

Support Claim Services is a National cost containment company, with over 30 years of industry experience. Our privately owned organization is URAC accredited and SOC II Type II certified. SCS offers cost containment services such as IMEs, Peer reviews, Bill Review, Radiology Reviews, Utilization review, and MSA. Our services are conducted in the liability, workers compensation, and auto arenas. SCS raises the bar in terms of customization, customer service, innovative technology, and quality reporting. Please visit our website for more information.

Chris Caterino
Chief Sales Officer

Janet Milford

The Center for Forensic Economic Studies

CFES is a leading provider of expert economic analysis and testimony in Washington, D.C., New Jersey and New York. Our expert economists and statisticians consult on matters arising in litigation, with a focus on the analysis of economic loss and expert witness testimony on damages. Our team of CPAs, JDs, Ph.Ds. and other experts is here to provide assistance with a variety of cases, including:

Personal Injury; Wrongful Death; Commercial Damages and Losses;
Labor and Employment Litigation; Discrimination Claims;
Business Valuations and Appraisals

Chad L. Staller, J.D., M.B.A., M.A.C., C.V.A.
The Center For Forensic Economic Studies
1608 Walnut Street, Suite 801
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
e: cstaller@cfes.com
p: (215) 546-5600
f: (215) 732-8158


Versed has unparalleled expertise in assisting litigators across the nation in locating the right expert every time. Whether it is through our huge database or conducting a search on your behalf, we will provide you with an experienced, qualified expert tailored to your case’s unique requirements.

 For Information, please contact:

 Sam Hamalak


YA Engineering Services

The YA Group includes a multidisciplinary forensic team specializing in accident reconstruction, biomechanics, premises liability evaluations, digital visualizations, and comprehensive evaluations of building structures. This national team comprises highly qualified engineering and architectural professionals who work seamlessly together to serve our clients' needs.